Tulsa Women’s Council of Realtors® Christmas Party

This listing has been expired.


The annual Tulsa WCR Christmas Party is just around the corner. Food and drinks will be available and we will have the opportunity to celebrate all we have done throughout the year. 

The attendees of this event include Realtor® Members and Strategic Partners who are professionals from various fields. This creates an excellent opportunity to network and connect with like-minded individuals involved in the Tulsa Women’s Council of Realtors®. The event is not only enlightening but also provides a chance to grow your business.

So, prepare yourself for an afternoon of delicious food and networking. The talks given by the guest speakers are sure to be informative and insightful, which will enable you to learn and grow within your business. The Women’s Council of Realtors® in Tulsa is always looking for ways to support and educate its members, and this monthly event is a great example of that commitment.